Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Service Dog Public Access Class

 Announcing the NEW Crazy2Calm Canine Coaches Service Dog Public Access Class!

Yooper Paws of Love is pleased to be partnering with the Crazy2Calm Canine Coaches to bring the SD Public Access Class to all our clients. This class is designed to help Owner Trainers have a smooth transition between training in pet friendly environments to training in NON PET environments such as grocery stores, medical appointments, and public places that typically do not allow dogs.

The Crazy2Calm Canine Coaches are pleased to now offer this virtual class that will include some work at your own pace classroom materials, small group Zoom meetings every 2 weeks, and 1-on-1 support from the trainers.  In this class we will be going over the basic laws that impact Service Dogs, the basic skills and manners that is appropriate for all Service Dogs, and the finer points of making this transition successful for both the Handler and the Service Dog in Training. 

The SD Public Access Class is a designed as a follow up class to the SD Foundations Class that we released last year. The Foundations Class goes over how to teach important skills such as basic targets, basic positioning (heel, middle, tuck), leash manners, stay/settle, and recall. 

The Public Access Class is designed to help the student figure out where and when to use those skills more successfully in public spaces. We will also be going over common challenging topics such as dealing with the public and other general Service Dog Etiquette info. We will also be offering a Public Access Skills Evaluation at the end of the class. While it is not required by ADA for Service Dogs to be certified by an organization, we feel that many teams value the ability to say that a 3rd Party Organization provided an assessment of skills. Therefore we will not be offering a "certification" that your dog is a Service Dog, but will be offering an Evaluation Checklist and Certificate that states your Team has been evaluated and meets the ethical skills & manners of a Service Dog Team.

(While this review and evaluation process is offered to the students in this class, it is not required to complete the class. The evaluation process is also available to SD Teams that are not taking this class!)

The first week will include a release of written materials on Monday, May 22nd! Then the following week on Tuesday, May 30th at 8pm Central will be the first group Zoom session.  If you are unable to participate in the Zoom session, it will be recorded and added to the classroom the day after the meeting.  We will continue this pattern of Week 1: Materials will be released (Mon-Thurs)& Week 2: Zoom meeting (Tues at 8pm Central) will take place for a series of 12 weeks in total. There are 6 total lessons with 2 weeks to work on each lesson.

The cost of this class is $150 for 12 weeks of support via small group and 1-on-1 chats with the trainer.  You will have access to the virtual classroom materials for 1 year after the start of the class.  Scholarships are available if needed so please include that request on your registration form.

Please fill out the registration from below and you will receive an email from one of the trainers with payment information and class details.

Thank you for filling out this registration form!  If you do not hear from us within 48 hrs, please email crazy2calmcaninecoaches@gmail.com for assistance.

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