Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Setting Boundaries Workshop

Setting Boundaries Workshop

Thursday, May 11⋅12:00 – 1:00pm

The Setting Boundaries Workshop will be a 1 hour presentation via Zoom followed by a Q&A Session. We will be taking a look at one of the common myths in dog training, Force Free Training is Permissive! Many people try to mix a balance of positive reinforcement training with punishment based techniques which very easily leads to confusion on the dog's part. 

 This workshop will help you learn how to use force free methods including using clear communication, managing the environment, removing unwanted reinforcement, and adding well timed reinforcement for the behaviors you love. We will also be going over some reasons why it is important that our dogs learn some boundaries and how we as the owners go about deciding what boundaries to set. 

Do you let your dog on the furniture or not? 
Do you share human food or not? 
Do you allow your dog to greet other dogs? 

These are common boundaries that many dog owners set. But owning a dog is not a one-size-fits-all situation, therefore neither can every owner set the same boundaries. But what's most important to you as a dog owner? How do you decide the rules for your house? Then how do you train those rules. This is what we will be discussing in this free Setting Boundaries Workshop.

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Thank you for registering! Here is the Zoom Information.

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Meeting ID: 850 2738 7651
Passcode: 025176

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