Building A Better Bond

 Building A Better Bond Winter Workshop

Whether you live in a warm climate or a cold climate, winter months tend to lead to a slack in dog training.  During the holiday's we tend to forget about dog training.  Sometimes we simply struggle to have enough energy at the end of the day to do any dog training.

What if I told you, dog training can be fun?  Just like people, dogs learn better if they are having fun!

What if I told you, dog training can be done in just 5 minutes a day?  Whether you have a beloved family pet or a working dog, spending just 5 minutes a day doing a planned training session will help you to become a better team.

Dogs of any age & skill can participate in the exercises in this workshop!  You can participate with all the dogs in your house!  Your family members can participate with you!

Join us from November 15th to March 31st in this fun winter workshop!  That's 20 weeks of lessons with a new activity every week.  The weekly activity will be released on Monday, with training tips on Tuesdays & Thursdays, games on Wednesday, and weekend recaps with extra fun.  Lessons will be released on a special website we have set up just for this workshop.  We also have a Facebook Group dedicated to the participants in this workshop.  Sign up during the month of October, during our Early Bird Special for a one time fee of $30.  November 1st that price goes up to $50 which is still a great deal considering the content that is included.

Are you ready to join in the fun?  If so fill out this registration form.

If you have additional questions, please contact me at

Once you have registered, you will be able to access the blog at

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