Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Yooper Paws Nosework Club

Yooper Paws Nosework Club!
This is a group dedicated to Canine Scent Detection Enthusiasts. Members of the group can attend practice sessions with other teams to enhance skills and grow as a human/dog scent detection team. The Yooper Paws Nosework Club is open to all nosework disciplines and skill levels. We will focus mainly on searching for scents, objects, and people, perhaps adding in searching for other dogs when available.

Joining the Club
Once the Intro Workshop or Searching for Scents Class has been completed, you'll receive an invite to join the FB Group: Yooper Paws Nosework Club. This is where practice sessions will be coordinated. Practice Sessions will cost $10 per session or $40 per month. There will be at least 1-2 sessions per week except for holidays, vacations or extreme weather.

We use a traffic light theory system, with the green, yellow, red color code, for the Yooper Paws Nosework Club allowing all dogs regardless of their reactions to people or other dogs to participate. All activities can be tailored to your team's needs.

Intro to Nosework: 

The Intro to Nosework Workshop is now available online for you to work through at your own pace. 

Intro to Searching for Scents:
In this class, you will learn the basic foundations for teaching your dog how to search for a specific scent. We will focus on the basic starter scent of Birch to teach your dog about scent value, creating a find indicator, and develop teamwork skills. Then you can decide if you want to pursue competitive nosework, service dog medical alerts or keep it as a fun enrichment activity for you and your dog. 

At this point, we are including new students in regular Nosework Club Sessions. Beginners will enjoy 10-15 minutes of basic training, then can watch the Club Members practice, joining in with simple searches.

The cost is $125 which can be paid via PayPal, Venmo or Cash before the first class.

We are also offering a starter nosework kit with the start scent and 2 vessels to hide with scent inside, plus supplies needed to store and transfer samples. This started kit is $18 and can be purchased during Club meetings.

We are also offering the 2nd scent, anise, and 1 hiding tin for $5 for those that are ready to move up.

If you have any questions, please email us at

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