Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Santa Paws

Letters to Santa

While humans either do or do not believe in Santa, Christmas Spirit, or Holiday Miracles, these are not really concepts that dogs understand. So the idea of writing a letter to Santa Paws may not be enticing for everyone. That's totally OK if this is not the holiday tradition for you! For me this is more of a special time where I try to place myself in my dog's place and think about what they really want. Instead of approaching Christmas for my dogs as what I might buy for them and put in their stockings and under the tree, I try to think about what my dogs would ask for if they could have anything. 

Azul's Wish List

Azul is a dog of strong opinions and he never hesitates to share his opinion with those around him. His big smile and high wagging tail tells others he is happy to see them. His stare that beams directly into my sole with quick glances towards the door tells me he's ready to go outside for sniffs and/or fun. 

If Azul could ask for anything in the world it would be to have snow on the ground. He loves to go when it's snowing hard and come in almost completely white. As a Husky mix he was bred for winter weather. Azul is way more active in the winter months and there is nothing more appealing to him that a great sniff-a-bout in a new place or someplace he hasn't been in awhile. We haven't been doing this as much as we used to since it hard to do with 2 dogs on slippery surfaces. But I do hope to get Azul out and at least a few sniff-a-bouts each week since they make him so happy. Often on sniff-a-bouts through woods and fields, Azul will come across some type of remains left behind by the coyotes and other wildlife. His favorite find is deer legs or any bones with fur. Azul will gladly carry these items back home or to the car, even if it's a mile or more. Once home he will enjoy it for awhile, then leave it on the porch or edge of the driveway where he could find it again later. This becomes the gift that keeps on giving for a very long time.

Those are his top 3 list items, but this year I think I've found a few other things that he will love. Since it gets dark so early in the winter, Azul learned to get his zoomies out chasing a green laser around the yard. But his old one is not working very well. This year he is getting a new one to share with Belle. He will also be getting a new tug toy or two and some fun food puzzles. But most of all, he will be getting lots of belly rubs and cuddles this holiday season. 

Belle's Wishlist

Belle's biggest desires are easy...More than anything she wants to be so close to her people that she is always touching someone. She also loves treats. All treats! The more the merrier! Last year we pretty much got Belle just before Christmas and she received a large Lamby (Lambchop toy). Daddy likes to give the dogs special treasures each night that contain some type of meat jerky and a few other smaller treats. Belle's treasure is always in the form of a puzzle or challenge and her Lamby was always laid on the top. Over the last few months, Azul & Belle have been playing tug with Lamby so it torn to shreds. She is getting a new for Christmas and I can't wait to see her face when her torn shreds turn into a new Lamby. I'm curious if she will recognize the stuffed animal or not care at all. Belle also would ask to play with her people doing most anything, but her favorite thing is ball. Recently I accidently broke both of our chuck-it flingers and my throwing arm only sends balls 10-15 ft. She wants to chase those balls and I want to watch her enjoy catching them so a new ball flinger as well as lots of new balls is on the top of the list for both of us.

In addition to those top 3, Belle also loves food toys, especially things that can be flung around to make kibble fall out. There will be a few of these in her stocking for sure and that will go really good with all the treats she is hoping to get. She also found a stuffed animal ram that has really long fur that she fell in love with on one of shopping trips. Bottom line is that no matter what Belle gets for Christmas, she is going to love ripping the wrapping paper and finding new things to enjoy.

In our house Christmas morning is very low key now that everyone is adults so the dogs will open presents one at a time throughout the day. Whenever they seem to be bored or needing a new adventure they will get another present to unwrap. We will likely start the morning with a special snuffle box filled with holiday goodies.

Template Help

If you would like to use my template to write a letter to Santa Paws, there are several formats for you to use:

Download The Image Above!

And if you are not tech savey, you can email the info you would like placed in your Letter to Santa Paws and I'll fill out for and send it back as picture you print or share on social media. Please send your info via email to for assistance.

March Madness & Movement Schedule

As we kick into spring and start out the month of March we are excited about a few new things happening at Yooper Paws of Love. Throughout ...