Crazy Adolescent Classroom

The Crazy Canine Adolescents Classroom is hosted in the Google Classrooms format with easy to navigate subjects that contain multiple posts to guide you through the steps of understanding and training that subject.  Most of the lessons are text based, allowing you to read through at your own pace and print whatever you want as you go along.  There are links to additional forms, charts, videos, and other educational materials that can be useful for you.  There are also regular homework assignments, but these are simple and should not take you more then 5-10 minutes.  
When you've worked your way through all the subjects there will be a quiz and video submission requirement to earn an Certificate of Completion to the program.

Training Subjects
Adolescent Stages of Life
Understanding Sensory Overload
Enrichment Sniffing
Raging Hormones
Recall Reinforcement
Leash Manners
Focus Around Distractions
Bonding & Games

This class has been developed to help you understand what your adolescent dog is going through and provide you with resources to help you survive this hard stage of canine life.  Statistics show that the highest number of dogs surrendered to animal shelters are adolescents.  This is the stage where cute puppy behaviors become hard to manage, resulting in rehoming the young dog before they have a chance to develop into a fully trained adult dog.  The classroom will help you to learn all our best tips and tricks for helping your crazy adolescent how to live and thrive as a member of your family team.  All training methods use positive reinforcement methods helping you to develop your training plan for success and support you as you make this journey with your dog.  As a student in this classroom you will have access to multiple trainers that can support you and answer questions as they come up.  

There is a one-time fee of $75 for lifetime access to this virtual classroom.
To register for this class, please fill out this form:

Thank You for registering for this virtual classroom!  The one-time fee of $75 can be paid here:

If you have any questions or need to discuss payment arrangements, please reach out to

Yooper Paws of Love
Penny Beeman, Trainer & Behavior Consultant

Cindy Campbell Dog Training
Cindy Campbell, Trainer

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